Tuesday 1 October 2024

Principles for powerful Presentation.

 As Doctors , Academicians , researchers and medical students, we have to frequently present in front  of an audience. It is a skill to keep the audience captivated  and enthralled with our presentation.  Matt Abrahams , Professor at Stanford graduate school of Business school, explains four powerful rules to be followed for better communication. The four rules are concise, relevance, accessible and precision.I would go further and say  that the slides of presentation should be minimum, each slide should show only the necessary points under the bullet marking and the slides should be attractive. Certain design templates can be used to make the slides attractive and captivating to the audience. The 4 important rules  to be considered during a communication/presentation are as follows.

1. Concise: As a presenter ,we should provide the least amount of information which needs to  be shared with the audience to get the msg across. E g Billboard essence.On a billboard ,only a few points are highlighted to attract the audience and pass the msg. Similarly use a few words and  explain the essential idea first and then follow it up with related information of the presentation. This way, your audience is not bored and is hooked to the presentation.

2. Relevance: The msg should be relevant and important for the audience. As an expert we might have a lot of information to share with the audience. But keeping it relevant will help the audience to focus on the presentation. It is also important to add emotion while communicating. This  helps to restore the memory longer in the audience. This can be done by engaging  the audience by involving them in the story. These are the various methods by which we can keep the interest of the audience.

3. Accessibility: The research information can be complex with scientific words. This language may not be accessible to the audience. Therefore we have to sympathise with the audience and use simpler terms which the audience can understand and relate to.

Translate the information. Take complex knowledge and make it simple by using relatable analogies. Also, deconstruct the complex knowledge by using infographics and videos during the presentation.

4. Precision: targeting the msg. We have to make sure that  we have explained the  clear goal. Set  expectations i.e objectives at the beginning of the presentation or communication , so the audience has an idea about the presentation. Give structure to your presentation. And at the end clearly state your goals so that it  can conclude your presentation well.During the presentation ,get the audience involved and engage them in the presentation. This will keep the lecture lively and will keep the audience hooked to the presentation.

         Now I will address the most important question. How to.select a topic ? The topic depends on its relevance to the audience. For an undergraduate or a postgraduate the topic is different than while giving lectures to medical officers or teachers. Also discuss with the organizers the theme of the seminar or CME. This will help you in finalizing the area  e.g which system you need to present. So, depending on the lacuna of the knowledge of the listeners you have to select the topic.Gauge the audience 's knowledge before giving the lecture. 

During your initial presentations,show your slides to your teacher / mentor and ask their advice. Also present it in front of a small peer group. A practice that I follow in our department is that, our PG students have to present 2-3 times in the department in front of teachers and friends. We , teachers advise changes to the presentation which the students incorporate. We check the following points- duration of the presentation, stance of the presenter, audibility, content of presentation, introduction and conclusion,design of the slides and the most important grammar.

Conclusion: The above 4 rules have to be kept in mind while preparing the slides and presenting in front of an audience. To be good at anything one needs practice. Even though the initial couple of presentations may seem challenging , with practice one can be an expert at presenting.

Thursday 12 September 2024

Research publications - a blessing or curse


In the field of science and medicine it is mandatory to publish research work if one has to grow in their career. A science needs to be frequently updated, previous theories disapproved, new theories brought to the fore, so on and so forth. There is a famous quote 'publish or perish' which all researchers know very well.

       Ayurveda is going in tandem with modern medicine.More importance has been given to conduct research and publish the findings.But there is a paucity of good peer reviewed Ayurvedic journals. Hence even though researchers are interested in publishing articles, they always find themselves in the sea of journals but only a handful of journals are available to publish . Journals being only a handful and adding to it the tedious review process , it is to one's dismay the duration it takes to publish an article. 

        I personally enjoy conducting research and also want to share the knowledge and results with my peers. But until more good peer reviewed journals are available , it is a tedious process to publish and hence it seems like a curse.

New thoughts on this are welcome. Please mention in the comments section.

Monday 19 August 2024

What does MD in Ayurveda entail?

 What does Specialization in Ayurveda( MD Ayurveda) entail? 

Is it enough for students to just learn to treat patients of that speciality or should they be equipped with more knowledge which will transform them to scientists and researchers of the future. Being a guide to post graduate students, it has always bugged me on how I can create excellence in a particular subject of post graduation. Some of the pointers are 


E.g in kaumarabhritya, PG students should be well versed in treating navjata and balak suffering from various diseases. Thorough knowledge can be gained when modern examination and Ayurvedic treatment principles are applied together. The lacuna that we face in the rogi pareeksha can be filled by applying the knowledge of patient examination as explained in modern science. The challenge is to apply the Ayurvedic physiological and pathological parameters to these examinations. But with due diligence this is possible.we can concise this into three points:

1. Students should be thorough in Atur pareeksha and systemic examinations in detail.

2. Co-relate these two and come to a final diagnosis.

3. Application of Ayurvedic management as explained by our Acharyas.

B. Being updated in the recent Ayurvedic research.

Discussions of good articles published in peer reviewed journals with good impact factors  will enlighten the students on the importance of research and how to write articles. Through such lively discussions ,Students learn about the different checklists which have to be followed while publishing clinical trials, case reports, literature reviews etc.

This also gives insight to the recent Ayurvedic research, lacunas and new areas of research for the future.

C. Importance of  attending seminars and Paper Presentations.

Attending seminars gives an update on the recent work done by many professors.speakers share their experiences and are open for discussions .Seminars are an important place to build connections. I can't stress enough  the importance of seminars. 

By following this routine it opens doors for Innovation and research.

D.case presentations.

Discussions of the rare case have to be done using the case presentation format.case presentation is like doing  the postmortem of a case. Slowly and steadily we are studying a case and breaking it down to understand the cause and the diagnosis. Hence we study the application of treatment for a particular disease.

Conclusion: Therefore along with the thorough knowledge of a particular speciality, a post graduate student should be well versed in all the above A,B,C and D points.

Friday 2 August 2024

Bosses versus Leaders

 Is a Boss different from a Leader? Yes, there is a stark difference between the two. The difference lies in the personality of the individual and how they want to be percieved.At the work place Bosses are more prevalent than leaders. 

           A Boss is a person who dictates what work has to be done by his subordinates and gets the work done too with less or nil participation from his/ her side. Whereas a leader guides the team members, assigns them roles and together with the team mates gets the work/ assignment done. Being a leader brings about a healthy work environment. Whereas a Boss maintains a toxic environment at the work place.

         I have observed that whether it is an academic institution or corporate sector,Bosses are more commonly found than leaders.This is because majority of them do not want to do the heavy weight lifting that comes with the job.It is easy to assign a job to somebody else and not be a part of it. A hierarchy system is followed where the senior employee takes all the credit for an assignment without even shouldering the responsibility. 

           Whereas a team leader works with the team and assigns a role for everyone including himself. Here they work as a team and the whole team takes responsibility for failure or success. A leader also mentors his junior staff/ colleagues. Helping them to grow in their field for future successes and growth in their career.It is important to nurture this kind of environment in the workplace. This kind of attitude makes the team stronger and closer to its team members. 

              At the end of the day, it is not just about doing our job efficiently. It is also about  building a friendly and caring relationship with our colleagues. Nurturing this relationship is very important. A leader succeeds in building this kind of relationship with his / her colleagues and hence the team triumphs over difficult challenges. There are so many leaders who have made a name for themselves in their field. It is time for us to get inspired from such leaders and make the work place fun and exciting for everyone.

Saturday 20 July 2024

Significance of Motor Examination in Cerebral Palsy

    When patients come to us with K/C/O neurological diseases like Cerebral palsy or syndromes with developmental delay, it is imperative to conduct the motor examination in detail along with the neurological examination. 

     As an  Ayurvedic doctor, I would first advise examining the patient using Ayurvedic parameters. i.e., assessment of the dusti of dosha, dhatu, and srotas, as well as the involvement of rogamarga. This is of prime importance. This should be coupled with an examination of the motor system and neurological system in detail. There has always been a debate about the relevance of using investigations and various parameters according to the modern system of medicine. I firmly believe that both Ayurvedic and modern parameters and modern investigations has to be used to diagnose the disease. This helps in the accurate diagnosis and also the prognosis of the disease. New investigations are available which exactly tell us about the cause and pathology. All these help us to be on the same page as allopathic doctors regarding diagnosing the disease.

    The next important thing is to explain the diagnosis, and prognosis in simple colloquial language to the patient. Ayurvedic terminologies are oblivious to the general public. so, if we explain the disease to the patient using Ayurvedic terms, then the patient can't understand us. Rather, we explain them using simple terms and with the help of some modern investigations. 

    To summarize, we become good and efficient doctors when we have the best of both worlds i.e. Ayurveda and up-to-date investigations from the Modern system of medicine.

Wednesday 20 February 2019

How knowing body constitution can prevent diseases

            Ayurveda explains different body constitutions for different individuals. There are mainly 7 body constitutions depending on the three doshas (i.e vata ,pitha and kapha). out of these there are three main body constitutions 1. vataja 2. pithaja 3. kaphaja

          Now the question arises about the link between body constitution and diseases. Each body constitution has specific physical and mental attributes, hence making the individual more prone to diseases. e.g vataja constitution are prone to lose weight, have rough skin, are temperamental etc.
they are also prone to diseases such as backache, body aches, sciatica, etc.
          Similarly an individual having pitha constitution will suffer more frequently from migraines, gastritis, skin disorders, bleeding piles to name a few. An Individual with kapha constitution is prone to weight gain, will suffer easily from hypercholestraemia,thyroid disorders, gall stones etc.
          Hence following a good diet plan and activity according to body constitution  is required to prevent most of these diseases.

Monday 26 November 2018

Obesity-Diet myths solved

Since i have started writing the blog, i have got requests from my friends and students to address the rising problem- Diet myths in Obesity. Many of them have asked me about what diet to be followed in Obesity. 
          Ayurveda has explained obesity and its management in detail. Ayurveda Acharyas i.e rishis have mentioned various medicines,diet changes and activities to reduce weight. But before generalizing the diet for obesity ,we should know the many causes for obesity. It may be due to sedentary life style;hormonal imbalance like hypothyroidism,PCOS; hereditary;obesity with Diabetes mellitus;due to drug intake like steriods. 
           In this post in general the diet for obesity has been explained.According to the causes,additional changes in the diet is advised.while mentioning the diet for obesity ,Ayurveda has clearly mentioned that food which are Guru i.e takes a long time to get digested but devoid of fat should be advised. Most of the times we associate Guru food with fatty food. But it is not so. Here Guru food are those which are rich in fiber such as whole grains, vegetables, fruits. These food take a long time to convert to sugar and are rich in fibers.hence they are ideal for losing weight.

Myths of obesity diet:

Nowadays many people follow a protein rich and low -nil carbohydrate diet.carbs are required for our body. They help in producing energy. The Fiber rich carb diet is also a source of micro nutrients like vitamins and iron. so when these carbs are excluded from the diet the person will have a lack of luster and will suffer from vitamin deficiencies. Hence Both carbohydrate and protein should be consumed with moderation. Fat content in the diet should be reduced. fat is required to lubricate the joints and give a smooth and softer skin. Hence should not be completely omitted from the diet.In addition to the diet, exercise should be advised.

Obesity diet and treatment

For obesity carbs and proteins should be consumed in moderation and fats should be restricted. Complex carbohydrates are found in whole grain, brown rice,vegetables,fruits and legumes.these should be consumed.All  vegetables are good.bitter gourd,Indian spinach and ginger are best for obesity.
Proteins are found in pulses, fish, chicken,egg white and nuts.
fats: pure vegetable oils, moderate amounts of ghee.
 In treatment ayurveda mentions oral medicines to reduce fat,massage with herbal powders and enemas.

Must Do's and Don'ts

Stop eating Packaged food, bottled beverages,canned fruit and canned fruit juices,refined flour, bakery products,sweets,chocolates,diary products like curds,yogurt and red meat.Avoid fructose rich fruits such as chiku,grapes, mango and custard apple.
 Indulge in butter milk with ginger, honey mixed with water, soup prepared out of Moong dhal.

PS: Daily moderate activity of 30-45 mins such as brisk walking or on a tread mill is required.