Monday 26 November 2018

Obesity-Diet myths solved

Since i have started writing the blog, i have got requests from my friends and students to address the rising problem- Diet myths in Obesity. Many of them have asked me about what diet to be followed in Obesity. 
          Ayurveda has explained obesity and its management in detail. Ayurveda Acharyas i.e rishis have mentioned various medicines,diet changes and activities to reduce weight. But before generalizing the diet for obesity ,we should know the many causes for obesity. It may be due to sedentary life style;hormonal imbalance like hypothyroidism,PCOS; hereditary;obesity with Diabetes mellitus;due to drug intake like steriods. 
           In this post in general the diet for obesity has been explained.According to the causes,additional changes in the diet is advised.while mentioning the diet for obesity ,Ayurveda has clearly mentioned that food which are Guru i.e takes a long time to get digested but devoid of fat should be advised. Most of the times we associate Guru food with fatty food. But it is not so. Here Guru food are those which are rich in fiber such as whole grains, vegetables, fruits. These food take a long time to convert to sugar and are rich in fibers.hence they are ideal for losing weight.

Myths of obesity diet:

Nowadays many people follow a protein rich and low -nil carbohydrate diet.carbs are required for our body. They help in producing energy. The Fiber rich carb diet is also a source of micro nutrients like vitamins and iron. so when these carbs are excluded from the diet the person will have a lack of luster and will suffer from vitamin deficiencies. Hence Both carbohydrate and protein should be consumed with moderation. Fat content in the diet should be reduced. fat is required to lubricate the joints and give a smooth and softer skin. Hence should not be completely omitted from the diet.In addition to the diet, exercise should be advised.

Obesity diet and treatment

For obesity carbs and proteins should be consumed in moderation and fats should be restricted. Complex carbohydrates are found in whole grain, brown rice,vegetables,fruits and legumes.these should be consumed.All  vegetables are good.bitter gourd,Indian spinach and ginger are best for obesity.
Proteins are found in pulses, fish, chicken,egg white and nuts.
fats: pure vegetable oils, moderate amounts of ghee.
 In treatment ayurveda mentions oral medicines to reduce fat,massage with herbal powders and enemas.

Must Do's and Don'ts

Stop eating Packaged food, bottled beverages,canned fruit and canned fruit juices,refined flour, bakery products,sweets,chocolates,diary products like curds,yogurt and red meat.Avoid fructose rich fruits such as chiku,grapes, mango and custard apple.
 Indulge in butter milk with ginger, honey mixed with water, soup prepared out of Moong dhal.

PS: Daily moderate activity of 30-45 mins such as brisk walking or on a tread mill is required.

Friday 2 November 2018

Let's decode the FAQ's by parents related to the children.
Hi friends. Today I will address some of the FAQ's( frequently asked questions) by the parents. The common ones related to diet and food habits are.
1. My child is not gaining weight
2. My child is fussy eater
3. She does not have appetite.
 I have noted the three most commonly asked questions by the parents with regards to their children. 
Addressing the 1st question. All of us should know that not all children are equally built. Ayurveda explains 7 prakritis. I.e body constitutions.Out of seven, three are main prakritis. These are vata,pitha and kapha. A vata prakriti child will be lean built, fussy eater. This also addresses the 2nd question. Whereas a pitha prakriti child will be well built with fair complexion and good appetite. 
A kapha prakriti child will be plump,slightly obese and slow in activities.
Hence food and activities should be decided on the basis of the child's prakriti. An Ayurvedic practioner will be able to guide the parents in the matter.
Now coming to last question about reduced appetite. What we fail to notice as parents is that a child is an individual like us and will need his /her food to be tasty with variety involved.As adults we need a different menu daily, same way a child also does. 
1.So food should be tasty to attract the child towards it. 
2.A simple knack is that give the child first what he likes to eat. He may like a particular fruit/ carrot etc. Then you can make him eat the whole meal also.
3. Food should be colourful and attractive. On sandwiches we can add eyes and Smiley's. Parotas and chapatis can be made colourful etc
4. Ayurveda advises against stale food. Such type of food will cause the accumulation of ama i.e toxins in the body. Hence the body tissues will not grow normally. This in turn leads to reduced immunity in children .Therefore dried fruits, canned and frozen fruits should not be given.
Give only fresh fruits and vegetables. Food should be home cooked.
I hope I have addressed the FAQs adequately.
If you have questions you can ask in the comment section.
Have a good day.